done-for-you social media content

The social kit.

Stop hiding, start growing online!

You're amazing at what you do, your clients love you and you love helping people. Honestly? You're the total package.


Only… you are your niche's best kept secret. 


I know this story:


You know you need to start moving past relying on referrals to grow your business and that leads you online.


Step 1. Start posting on social media.


Only… you're busy, hate social media and oh ya, you're not interested in adding ‘content creator’ to your to-do list.


Which leads to this classic business owner scenario:


👉You start to post and get some traction but then you get busy running your business and before you know it, months have gone by without posting. 

👉Then you think about that for another month. 

👉Finally, you're ready to get started but you're drawing a blank. How do you say all the things you want to say and sell all the things you want to sell in your post?? 


Repeat. Surprisingly, you don't get traction, you don't grow your audience and you don't get anywhere.


Imagine if your social media strategy was crafted and implemented for you?


Imagine taking that off your mental load completely? 


Imagine how your business would benefit from having an authentic, personality packed, consistent presence?


Introducing The Social Kit. 


We will craft your personality-oozing social media presence that builds your brand and positions you as the go-to expert in your niche. We create and schedule it for you so you don't have to lift a finger.


Get 3 months of consistent messaging happening while you do your thing

One post can't create a brand. That's why consistently covering a variety of content categories is so effective. 

It's important to add more of YOU to your content. Your network takes for granted that you have the strategies they need, we need to show them who you are.

People do business with the people they know, like and trust. We need to build relationships with our content so they feel certain and take the next step in our marketing funnel.

it's not


going viral

It's about building an authentic brand as a professional and positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your niche.

It's about consistently building an audience of your ideal clients and selling to them.

It's about going past the designations and showing more of YOU

It's about giving a consistent approach to growing online a chance instead of fits and starts.

Sign up and get 3 months of personalized, brand building content created and scheduled.

you don't have to lift a finger!

the social kit.

1 time payment


= 3 months of content created and scheduled for you

Commit to 3 months of consistently showing up online!

What can you expect?


A Brand Voice Call where we get to know all about your business, your goals and your ideal clients. 


My team creates content and graphics for 3 months worth of content. We use our proven Check Mark 5 content creation system to be sure that all the bases are covered in your content strategy so your brand build post by post.


Your content is scheduled to go out at optimal times, optimized for the platform.


You stay in your zone of genius, knowing that the long term work of building your brand is happening without you having to lift a finger.


Owner of Hawthorne House Media, a boutique marketing agency focused on strategies for business owners.

I use digital marketing to build brands, generate leads and make our 1:1 clients the go-to experts in their markets. 

It all starts with social media strategies.

Social media is how we begin to build a brand independently of your company- and start to build your audience.

The Social Kit was designed to support you in starting to build a consistent presence online, one that builds your brand and makes you the go-to expert in your market.

Let’s talk faq's

what is my time committment?

We need an hour for your Brand Voice call. This gives us the info we need to create content that is personalized to you. You will need to look over the sample content we send for approval and then that's it!

Do I post the content?

We take care of scheduling your content and monitor posts to stay on top of any engagement.

Will the content be personalized?

Yes! We use our proven Check Mark 5 content creation system to create content that covers all the bases. The star of the show is always YOU! 

What is the commitment?

Your one time payment covers 3 months of content creation and scheduling. After three months, we can continue or explore other services or part ways. 

any other questions?

Email with any questions that you have.

who is this not  right for?

Your company doesn't let you post

If you need all posts to be submitted for approval, this likely won't work.

You are looking for a quick fix

Social media is one part of a complete marketing strategy. It's important but it can't do the heavy lifting of all the steps. This is about building your presence, your brand and your positioning in the market.

you want to be on every network

The strategies we use are made for LinkedIn personal profiles and Facebook business pages. If you are interested in other platforms, contact us to discuss options. If you need your profiles set up, spruced up or additional services such as connection requests, messaging, lead magnet creation or email set up, there are additional charges.

any other questions about if this is right for you?

Email with any questions that you have.